“A Voice for the Men Australia Forgot”
About Us
Nasho Fair Go is not-for-profit association No. A0115244T, incorporated in Victoria on 20 February 2022.
Our Charter
Our charter is “To further the welfare of National Servicemen who served in the Australian Defence Forces between 1965 and 1973 but did not serve in a war zone”.
Office Holder Remuneration Policy
No Office Holder, or any person or entity or associated with them, receives any remuneration from the association.
Office Holders
Geoff Parkes
Geoff was conscripted in intake 3 of 1971. After basic training at Kapooka, NSW, he served in the Royal Australian Engineer Corps, Army Transport Liaison Office, attached to RAAF, Richmond, NSW. He served in PNG for a short period during Exercise Treble Chance, 1972.
Denis Smith
Denis was conscripted in intake 2 of 1971. After basic training at Puckapunyal, he undertook infantry training at Ingleburn, NSW. He was then posted to 2 Royal Australian Regiment, Townsville, Qld.
Ross Murrihy
Vice President
Ross was conscripted in intake 9 of 1967. After basic training at Puckapunyal, Victoria, he was posted to the 8th Royal Australian Regiment, Holdsworthy, NSW. Fifteen months of his service was based at Terendak Garrison, Malaysia
John Hussey
John was conscripted in intake 1 of 1972. After basic training at Puckapunyal, Victoria, he served in REAME Corps, and was posted to 171 Air Cavalry, based in Moorebank, NSW.
John Cardwell
John was conscripted in October 1967. After basic training at Puckapunyal, he undertook infantry training at Singleton, NSW. He was subsequently posted to the quartermasters at Singleton.
State Orgnaisers
Our Bank Account
Nasho Fair Go Inc. – BSB 633-000 A/c 19 089 3354
Any contributions to the association, to help defray costs associated with building and maintaining our web site, would be most appreciated.