“A Voice for the Men Australia Forgot”
Nasho Information Page
DVA now recognises any person who served one or more days in the Australian Defence Forces as a Veteran. So, if you were a 1965-72 Nasho, you are a veteran.
Service, Medical, Dental & Psyche Records
We encourage all members to obtain all their records from the Department of Defence. Ring them on 1800 DEFENCE (1800 333 362). Once you get your records check them carefully, especially your medical records. If you feel something is missing, you shou should report this to Dept Defence and ask them to have them amended. This could be important if you need to make a claim, further down the track.
DVA White Card – The Veteran White Card
Who Can Receive One?
- Any men who did at least one day of their National Service by full time service i.e. NOT by CMF service.
- Any men who did CMF National Service who incurred an injury or medical condition due to their service. See more info below.
- Any men who did CMF National Service who were involved in Disaster Relief, or Border Protection service.
What Benefits Does It Provide?
- Unlimited mental health care from a qualified psychologist if you need it.
- For 24/7 help call Open Arms on 1800 011 046 or click here for more information: Open Arms – Veterans & Families Counselling
- Treatment, and possibly compensation for any medical condition related to your National Service. Any of us who suffer from deafness or tinnitus, have grounds for a claim, as we were not provided with adequate hearing protection. Some of our members have received very significant compensation payments.
- Treatment for twenty common ailments, not necessarily on your army medical records, under the (Previously Approved Medical Treatments – PAMT), trial being currently run. Click here to find out more about PAMT: Get treatment while you wait on a claim (PAMT) | Department of Veterans’ Affairs
- If you completed your full term of service on, or after, 7 December 1972, you are eligible for free cancer treatment, and re-imbursement of treatment costs incurred in the previous three months from the date of claim.
- If you are NOT receiving a Commonwealth Pension you will receive a fortnightly $6-80 supplement, back paid for three months. This is not regarded as a pension payment and does not affect the Commonwealth Seniors’ Health Card eligibility.
- Once you have a White Card, you are in the DVA system and will have a DVA file. If we obtain further benefits, down the track, you will receive them. Without a DVA file they have no idea who, or where, you are.
- It is well worth pulling your White Card out at your doctor, dentist, physio, podiatrist etc. appointments, as well. Some will give you serious discounts, or even free treatment. You can’t be shot for asking.
How Do I Get One?
You can apply for the White Card on the phone on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) or click here: Contact us | Department of Veterans’ Affairs. You will need proof of your National Service – your Discharge Certificate or Pay Book
Lodging a Claim
If you think you have any ailment related to your service, or you have one of the 20 ailments listed, you should lodge a claim with the DVA Form D2020. You obtain a form by clicking here: Claim for Rehabilitation and Compensation | Department of Veterans’ Affairs
You can lodge the claim yourself, once you have a written diagnosis from your doctor, but if you are not confident to do this, you should discuss your case with an advocate. To find an advocate near you, contact your local RSL Club, or click here: Advocacy Register
CMF Nashos
The White Card is available to any person who served one day of CONTINUOUS FULL TIME SERVICE in the Australian Defence Forces. Regrettably, this does not include men who did their National Service by service in the CMF. This is a matter of considerable irritation to us, and Nasho Fair Go Ltd is lobbying the federal government to have this deplorable situation rectified.
If you are a CMF Nasho you can obtain a White Card by making a successful claim to DVA. We urge all our CMF members to make a claim, especially for deafness, tinnitus and arthritis – the most common ailments attributable to our service.
Have you got your Medals? Every 1966-72 Nasho is entitled to the Anniversary of National Service Medal. If you served full time and completed your full term of service, you are also eligible for the Australian Defence Medal. If you served more than 30 days in PNG or Malaya, you should also be eligible for the Australian Service Medal.
If you haven’t applied for yours yet, call 1800 333 362 or click on this link:
Mental Health Care
If you feel you need mental health care, call Open Arms on 1800 011 046. You are entitled to free, confidential help from them.