Story by Ross M

Here is my story. I had finished Infantry Corp Training at Singleton and had been posted to 8RAR who were at Terendak Garrison about 14 clicks south of Malacca.  We were sent on pre-embarkation leave, and had to return to Holsworthy, NSW. My parents saw me off from my...

Story by John S

For so many years now I have learned to keep my memories of the time spent in the army to myself due to the fact that in the past when it was raised most people were not interested in my experiences and said you didn’t go to Vietnam so what’s your problem. The bus...

Story by John H

I was in the 17th Intake at RTB3 Puckapunyal, July 1969 We did our Infantry Corp training at Singleton Oct 69 and then onto Holdsworthy Dec 69 on our way to Vietnam. Warned for active service, last wills and testaments etc etc. A last-minute change was that 70 Nashos...
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