The Mess Hall & Yellow Death

The mess hall at Kapooka was an impressive building. It could feed 1,200 men at a single sitting on 30 tables of 40 men. Our first encounter with it, as recruits, was when we were marched in for the evening meal on our conscription day. There we were. 48 rag tag...

Sympathy in Bereavement

Sadly, a young National Serviceman’s mother died suddenly while he was undertaking basic training. The unit Commanding Officer called the Regimental Sergeant Major and asked him to break the news to recruit Jones. The RSM advised Jones’ Platoon Sergeant that he would...

Basic Training – Day One

1 Recruit Training Battalion, Kapooka, is where I did my army basic training. It’s just out of Wagga Wagga in southern NSW. 1 RTB is where all regular non-officer soldiers do their basic training. Between 1965 and 1972 it also trained National Service conscripts from...
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