What a change in life for a young bloke being taken from his everyday enviourement and thrown into Dads Army. Why do I refer to the conscription period in 1965 of the Australian Army as Dads Army, well you may ask? The first intake of National Servicemen arrived with...

Dress Etiquette

4/ 71 Intake at the Victorian Resort of Puckapunyal. It must have been day 2 when they marched us into one of those dome tin huts to get issued with our greens. I am first in line and front up to a wire mesh screen with a barking dog demanding ” what side do I...

Was It Really in the Tea?

Everyone knows that basic training was bloody hard work, and it really drained all our energy. It seemed to affect all of us in a particularly private way. There was even talk that all those cups of tea being laced with certain chemicals. The whole barracks was very...

Never Volunteer

“Any man who can ride a motorbike. One pace, forward, march”. “You men fall out over here”. “We still men need a few more for this special training we’re going to hold”. “Any man who would like to ride a motor bike. One pace, forward march.” “Very good. Fall out with...

Seek & Ye Shall Find

As keen as the government of the day was to conscript young men into the army, the army was keen to get complete nutters out. They weren’t good for discipline, hard to intimidate into compliance and a distraction. A Nasho recruit was observed spending all his spare...
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